{(live: 2s)[
(stop:) ''Dropping subject, please stand by.'']
(live: 4s)[
(stop:) ''Subject will be deployed in 3...'']
(live: 5s)[
(stop:) ''2...'']
(live: 6s)[
(stop:) ''1.'']
(live: 8s)[
(stop:)(transition-depart: "dissolve")[(goto: "Menu-First")]]}Welcome to Drop Down, the game show where our contestant will battle it out furiously against their opponents!
This is a roguelike, where the contestant will be growing stronger each level, gaining levels and items to battle more deadly foes. Although... There's quite the twist to each battle, so maybe stay on your toes. :)
You're on floor -1. To begin, drop [[down.->00 Intro]]//You land with a sharp thud, wet drips of liquid softly falling around you.//
You stand in a crevice. A platform in a crevice, to be exact. There seems to be no signs of life, nor anything unnatural, discounting how you arrived here and why you're on a platform.
You'd reluctantly take a step (link: "forward...")[
{(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0.6879,#e61919,1,#ffffff)))}
(text-style: "shudder")[But you step on a panel, the lights flickering on.]
You find slits under you, almost as if a maze. Just as you were speculating the pecularity of the situation, the floor shifts under you, as the walls raise. With quick thinking, you try to jump onto the formation, only sliding off as you can't get a good grip. Cursing, you'd find yourself trapped between two walls.
When just as suddenly as you were thinking of moving on, you hear a voice...
[[Listen?->00 Voice]]]
(set: $SB to true)(append: ?SideBar)[
(if: $SB is true)[
(if: $Gallery is true)[
]](set: $Flicker to (t8n-arrive: "flicker")+(t8n-time: 4s))
(set: $Health to 3)
(set: $Gallery to false)
(set: $SB to false){(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0.6879,#e61919,1,#ffffff)))}
It wraps around your head like a worm, entering your mind with unsettling strength.
"Welcome, contestant!" You hear, holding your ears in an attempt to stop the noise. It doesn't work.
"Welcome! Here you shall enjoy the game of talent and death. You find yourself in a maze, unable to see the exit. Shall I explain the rules, good //friend?"//
The wall in front of you suddenly opens, revealing metallic inner workings. Soon, a screen juts out of the wall, showing two prompts.
(transition-depart: "dissolve")[[[Yes?->Rules]]
[[No?->No Rules]]]{(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0.6879,#e61919,1,#ffffff)))}
"Very well!" His voice booms, exploding your ears as you grow unsettled by your decision.
(live: 2s)[
"The rules are simple...
1. You cannot harm yourself. Doing so will result in failure.
2. There are no rules!
3. Rule 2 was a lie.
4. Do not //drop down// without completing the circle. Doing so will result in termination.
5. When you fail, do not resist. Doing so will result in termination.
Got all that? ''Good.''"
You hear a click and a whir, as the screen disappears into the wall again. You are left in silence. You wait for a moment, unsure how to proceed.]
(live: 10s)[
(set: $Items to 0)
(set: $Key0 to 0)
(set: $Fight0 to false)
(set: $TB to false)
(set: $TS to false)
(set: $R0 to false)
(set: $S0 to false)}
You decide to explore the maze after a minute. Maybe you'll find a way out?
[[Look around.->00]]]{(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0.6879,#e61919,1,#ffffff)))}
You hear a click, followed by silence. The screen slowly whirs back into the wall, but in a slow manner. Is it spiteful I chose no? You are left with nothing.
(live: 5s)[
(set: $Items to 0)
(set: $Key0 to 0)
(set: $Fight0 to false)
(set: $TB to false)
(set: $TS to false)
(set: $R0 to false)
(set: $S0 to false)}
[[Look around?->00]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0.6879,#e61919,1,#ffffff)))
(if: $Key0 is 0)[
You are in the middle of the maze.
You can go (link: "left")[(goto: "00-Left")] and (link: "right.")[(goto: "00-Right")]
Behind you is a door. It has a strange formation on it, with two circular holes on the front. You try to press your hand into the holes, finding nothing inside.]
(if: $Key0 is 1)[
You are in the middle of the maze.
You can go (link: "left")[(goto: "00-Left")] and (link: "right.")[(goto: "00-Right")]
Behind you is a door. You have one circular object. Does this go here? Maybe you should have both objects before you do anything.]
(if: $Key0 is 2)[
You walk back to the middle of the maze. You hold both keys, and place them in the circular holes. As soon as you do, the door opens, revealing a new room.
[[Enter?->00-End]]]{(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:(gradient: 297, 0,#ffffff,0,#000000,0.4917,#ffffff,0.9529,#888888)))}
{(link: "Save game to slot A")[
(if: (save-game: "Slot A"))[
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot A")[
Slot A has been saved.
{(link: "Save game to slot B")[
(if: (save-game: "Slot B"))[
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot B")[
Slot B has been saved.
{(link: "Save game to slot C")[
(if: (save-game: "Slot C"))[
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot C")[
Slot C has been saved.
{(link: "Load slot A")[
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot A")[
(load-game: "Slot A")]
Sorry, something has gone wrong.]]}
{(link: "Load slot B")[
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot B")[
(load-game: "Slot B")]
Sorry, something has gone wrong.]]}
{(link: "Load slot C")[
(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot C")[
(load-game: "Slot C")]
Sorry, something has gone wrong.]]}
Sorry, something has gone wrong.
(link: "Return")[(undo:)]{(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:(gradient: 142, 0,#ffffff,0.2718,#888888,0.4144,#888888,0.5265,#888888,0.6539,#888888,0.817,#888888,1,#ffffff)))}
//Warning, if you click to start a new game, all progress will be lost!//
{(link: "Continue anyway. (One last warning.)")[
(link: "New Game")[
(goto: "00 Intro")]]}
{(link: "Skip tutorial? (One last warning.)")[
(link: "Skip Tutorial and start a New Game.")[
(link: "Go back.")[(undo:)]{(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0.6879,#e61919,1,#ffffff)))}
(if: $Fight0 is true)[
There's nothing left for you here.]
(if: $Fight0 is false)[
(if: $TB is false and $TS is false)[
You walk to the room to your left, entering a new room. It looks like an.. Arena?
In front of you is two weapons.
(link: "Training Baton")[
(set: $Items to it + 1)
(set: $TB to true)
You pick it up. It's solid and cold.]
(link: "Training Shield")[
(set: $Items to it + 1)
(set: $TS to true)
You hold it in your hands. It's warm?]]
(if: $TB is true and $TS is false)[
In front of you is a shield.
(link: "Training Shield")[
(set: $TS to true)
(set: $Items to it + 1)
(set: $Cold_Shield to true)
You hold it in your hands. It's cold.]]
(if: $TB is false and $TS is true)[
In front of you is a baton.
(link: "Training Baton")[
(set: $TB to true)
(set: $Items to it + 1)
You pick it up. It's solid and cold.]]
(if: $TB is true and $TS is true)[
Nothing left.]
To the side of it is a button.
(link: "Press the button?")[(set: $Wolf to 5)(goto: "FightIntro0")]]
[[Go back.->00]]{(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0.6879,#e61919,1,#ffffff)))}
(set: $Dead to false)
(if: $R0 is false)[
You enter the path to the right, finding a circular room.
(if: $S0 is false)[
You find a stick in front of you.
(link: "Training Stick")[
{(set: $Items to it + 1)
(set: $S0 to true)}
It's a stick.]]
(if: $S0 is true)[
You have a stick already.]
(live: 5s)[
In front of you is a circular object.
(link: "Grab the object?")[
(if: $R0 is true)[
You already have the object?]
(if: $R0 is false)[
(set: $Dead to true)
You reach your hand out, when you hear a sudden whir. The ground shakes, as you feel your body light up in a strange warmth. As sudden as it came, it was gone.
(live: 5s)[
(set: $Dead to false)
(set: $Deaths to it + 1)
(goto: "00")}]]
(if: $S0 is true)[
(link: "Throw the stick?")[
{(set: $Key0 to it + 1)
(set: $R0 to true)}
You throw the stick at the circular object, when, out of nowhere the stick disintergrates in front of you. The floor then lifts, moving the object to you. You grab it.
(if: $R0 is true)[
There's nothing left for you here.]
(link: "Go back.")[
(if: $Dead is false)[(goto: "00")]
(if: $Dead is true)[You can't seem to move.]]{(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0.6879,#e61919,1,#ffffff)))}
You walk through the door, wind passing by you. It felt refreshing, if for a moment as your mind pondered on why such strong winds were able to be created here. Was it natural?
You found yourself in a long hallway, which looked sort of like a display museum. You walked through the hall.
{(if: $Items is 3)[
You found only three displays lit up by a light.]}
{(if: $Items is 2)[
You found only two displays lit up by a light.]}
{(if: $Items is 1)[
You only found one display lit up by a light.]}
{(if: $Items <= 0)[
You find nothing here.]}
{(if: $S0 is true)[
(link: "Training Stick")[
`A stick meant to train new recruits to tame beasts.`]]}
{(if: $TB is true)[
(link: "Training Baton")[
`A weapon for new recruits to handle unwanted situations.`]]}
{(if: $TS is true)[
(link: "Training Shield")[
`A defense to protect recruits against unwanted situations.`]]}
At the end of the hall, you find a small hole in the floor. There seems to be nothing else to do here.
{(link: "Drop Down?")[(set: $Items to 0)(set: $Key0 to 0)(goto: "01 Intro")]}{(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0.6879,#e61919,1,#ffffff)))}
The floor shakes around you, and as suddenly as it shook, a hole opened on the floor in the center of the room.
{(live: 3s)[
A hand reaches out of the hole, pulling itself up. The hole begins to close, as a large wolf jumps out.
(if: $TS is true and $TB is true)[You grip your baton and shield, readying your stance.]
(if: $TS is true and $TB is false)[You grip your shield, holding it in front of you.]
(if: $TS is false and $TB is true)[You hold you baton, ready to fight if need be.]
(if: $TS is false and $TB is false)[You clench your fists, growing unwary of the situation.]
$Flicker[[The Wolf charges!->Fight0]]]}{(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0.6879,#e61919,1,#ffffff)))}
{(set: _random to (random: 1,3))}
{(if: $Wolf >= 5)[
The wolf stands proudly in front of you.]}
{(if: $Wolf is 4)[
The wolf grimaces at your sign of struggle.]}
{(if: $Wolf is 3)[
The wolf is breathing heavily.]}
{(if: $Wolf is 2)[
The wolf is looking past you.]}
{(if: $Wolf is 1)[
The wolf is close to falling over.]}
{(if: $Wolf <= 0)[
(set: $Key0 to it + 1)
The wolf falls in front of you, it's eyes closing. In front of you, behind the wolf, a circular object rises from the floor. You pick it up.
[[Go back.->00]]]}
(if: $Health is 0)[
{(set: $Deaths to it + 1)
(set: $TB to false)
(set: $TS to false)}
You fall to the floor, the wolf smiling as it approaches you.
(live: 4s)[
(goto: "00")]]
(if: $Health <= -1)[
{(set: $Deaths to it + 1)
(set: $TB to false)
(set: $TS to false)
(set: $Overdeath to true)}
Your mangled corpse rests inside the room.
(live: 4s)[
(goto: "00")]]
(if: $Wolf >= 1 and $Health >= 1)[
{(set: $Defending to false)
(set: $Turn to 1)}
(link: "Fight")[
(if: $Turn is 0)[
You can't act again this turn!]
(if: $Turn >= 1)[
{(set: $Turn to it - 1)}
(if: $TB is true)[
(if: _random is 1)[
{(set: $Wolf to it - 1)}
You hit the wolf with your baton weakly.]
(if: _random is 2)[
{(set: $Wolf to it - 2)}
You swang the baton, hitting the wolf in the chest.]
(if: _random is 3)[
{(set: $Wolf to it - 3)}
You hit the wolf right in the head!]]]
(if: $TB is false)[
{(set: $Wolf to it - 1)}
You hit the wolf with your hands.]
(if: $TS is true)[
(link: "Defend")[
(if: $Turn >= 1)[
{(set: $Defending to true)
(set: $Turn to it - 1)}
You hold your shield in front of you, blocking damage any damage taken.]
(if: $Turn is 0)[
You can't act again this turn!]]]
(link: "Run")[The wolf blocks the exit!]
[[End turn->Wolf0]]]{(enchant:?page,(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0.2242,#000000,0.4917,#000000,0.7796,#000000,1,#ffffff)))}
{(if: $Stunned is true)[
(set: $Stunned to false)
//You're stunned!//]}
(if: $Wolf <= 0)[
The wolf is barely holding on.]
(if: $Wolf >= 1)[
(if: $Defending is true)[
{(set: $Health to it + 1)}
You hold your shield in front of you, regaining energy.
//+1 Health//]]
(if: $Defending is false and $Wolf >= 1)[
{(set: _random to (random: 1,3))
(set: _woof to (random: 1,2))}
{(if: _random is 1)[
The wolf swings at you, just barely missing.]}
{(if: _random is 2)[
(set: $Health to it - 1)
The wolf scratches at you.
//-1 Health//]}
(if: _random is 3)[
(if: _woof is 1)[
{(set: $Stunned to true)}
The wolf grabs you, throwing you to the floor. He attacks again!
//Stunned effect//
(live: 3s)[
(goto: "Wolf0")]]
(if: _woof is 2)[
{(set: $Stunned to true)
(set: $Health to it - 1)}
The wolf howls, his teeth seething. He jumps at you, knocking you to the floor.
You're stunned, and he attacks again!
//-1 Health and Stunned effect//
(live: 3s)[
(goto: "Wolf0")]]]]
{(live: 5s)[
(goto: "Fight0")]}{(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0,#888888,0.4917,#ffffff,0.9529,#888888)))}
(link: "Go back.")[(undo:)]{(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0,#888888,0.4917,#ffffff,0.9529,#888888)))}
(link: "Go back.")[(undo:)]{(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0,#888888,0.4917,#ffffff,0.9529,#888888)))}
(link: "Go back.")[(undo:)](transition: "shudder")[You land on your feet, in a new room. You'd be reluctant to walk forward, yet you do anyway. Your feet move towards a corner of the room, when you find a small, red button.
(link: "Press the button?")[
(set: $Gallery to true)
Suddenly, a room opens up next to you.
//You've unlocked the gallery for completing floor 00!//]]
(live: 5s)[
You turn around, finding a newly opened exit as well. You leave, finding yourself on a new platform.
[[Look about?->00 Look]]]
{(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:(gradient: 75, 0,#ffffff,0.4433,#888888,1,#ffffff)))}
(link: "Go back.")[(undo:)]{(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:(gradient: 142, 0,#ffffff,0.2718,#888888,0.4144,#888888,0.5265,#888888,0.6539,#888888,0.817,#888888,1,#ffffff)))}
''Drop Down''
A game of death and exploration.
Created by TheCrystalRiver.
[[Start a new game?->Warning]]
(if: $Start is true)[
You already have a game.
(link: "Continue?")[(undo:)]]